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Well, shit.

Anger and Coffee

"You smashed my Batman mug? Mikey you can fucking walk to school you smashed Batman. BATMAN. Motherfucking BATMAN."
"Dude calm the fuck down you have 3 sets of the same Batman mugs... fucking weird but anyway you still have plenty of your precious mugs."
Did he just make fun of my love of Batman? It's perfectly normal to have 12- now 11- exactly alike Batman mugs!
"If you're not walking whose car will you be going in? I just don't want my head of Sauron figurine to get smashed."
Yes, I'm a big nerd who has a Sauron helmet figurine in my car. Fucking deal with it.
"Fine, I'll call Pete. If you're seriously this cut up about a fucking mug."
I swear those two have a thing. They're practically joined at the hip. I swear Pete had a hard on last time he was here and I walked into Mikeys room... and Mikey was blushing like he was a little kid caught stealing candy from their parents. Yeeeeah, they're hiding shit from us.
"NO HANDYS WHILE HE'S DRIVING!" I called out as Mikey walked out to wait for Pete, giving me the finger as he pulled up. I got up to make another coffee. Wait- fuck. I check the time and yeah... school starts at 8. I live 10 minutes from school and it's 7:45 now. Fuck it, I'll stop at Starbucks. Its only about 5 minutes IN THE SAME DIRECTION AS SCHOOL. Perfect. I grab my bag, wallet and keys and leave. My beautiful(ish) car is waiting in the garage. I get in and start the car. "Morning Sauron." Yeah. I get it. I'm weird. Stop laughing. As I get to Starbucks I'm stick between two coffees. Fuck it, i worked a few extra shifts at the music store last week and got paid extra so i have enough money, I'll get both.
Oh god, the cashier is that fake as fuck girl with bright pink lipstick and bleach blonde hair.
"Morning sugar, what would you like?" Good lord, that line would make me cringe even if she was a hooker. Ugh. Even her smile is obviously fake, just like her hair, tan, and eyebrows. Seriously, it looks like she let a fucking toddler draw them on with crayons!
"One venti caramel macchiato and one grande coffee frappucino thanks." "For Gerard, right sugar?" UGH FUCK OFF. "Yeah." I hand over the money and stand to the side by the other end of the counter. I can already smell the caramel...
"CARAMEL MACCHIATO AND COFFEE FRAPPUCINO FOR GERARD!" Wow, small shop, why do they yell so loud? I grab my drinks and leave. I have 10 minutes to drive the other 4 minutes to school from here. I drink my hot coffee as i drive and by the time Im at school it's gone, good thing I got two then.
"GERARD!" Fucking Mikey.
"What's up, buttercup?" I pop the 'p' sound smiling.
"Firstly, you just said a chick line while drinking a chick drink." I was about to say frappucinos aren't a chick drink but Mikey started again. "Anyway, there's a new kid starting today! No one knows his name or what he looks like, but I've hears what he was like at his old school. He sounds kinda like Blake. Just letting you know."
Fucking Blake tormented Mikey since they were 11, until last year and he moved away. Tall motherfucker with blonde hair as fake as the girl from Starbucks, fakest smile around all the girls, but once alone with his gang of walking stupid and Mikey, let's just say some blood got spilled almost every time, and some tears were shed DEFINITELY every time. If this new kid is anything like Blake, I'll be the one tormenting HIM before he gets to my little brother.


Okay, I know it's shit at the moment but it does get better, I promise!
Well, it will.
Gee meets the new kid in the next chapter! Excited?
Wonder who it is.... c;
SO comment and tell me how much my fic sucks, how I should stop writing altogether.... all that wonderful stuff.

BTW title credit: Black Coffee - Black Flag


How many of my subs on here are still active? I found all my shit, lets get this fuckin thing finished!

GrymmCreeper GrymmCreeper

This story is so awesome and I'm willing to wait as long as I need for you to update. I think it's awesome that you went to see the Mifists I wish I could! Anyway this story is amazing and it's just fucking fabulous.

TwistedKnife TwistedKnife

There's nothing to apologise for, this story is worth the wait, it's by far my favourite fic, it's awesome going to your first ever concert isn't it? There's nothing else like it, especially when it's an incredible band that pops your concert cherry haha mine was hot chelle rae, they were amazing, even better live and that's saying something, this was in 2012, then last year I saw all time low, they put on such an amazing show im STILL not over it! Haha can't wait for the next chapter, if your still suffering writers block maybe you could ask your readers for ideas and say thatif you use any of them you'll put their names in the credits

Nine Inch Nails? Frerard smut? Jesus H. Christ.
...I must be dreaming.
Nah, don't worry about the wait. Shit happens, books become suddenly nonexistent, it's all good. S'all good.

Stitches Stitches

There is nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned, im fascinated by blood, like fire I find it entrancing and beautiful, I guess the -oh my fucking god my new kitten keeps playing my guitar!- way I like it is creepy x3 oh and this chapter was so fucking good