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I'll Take What I Want From Your Heart

Chapter Five

He was ignoring me again so I felt more comftable. Suddenly he said something.


He looked up at me eyes full of regret. The word triggered bad memories-and tears, I know how much of a dick I looked-I was a guy and guys don't cry. I repeated the word in a whisper.


I chuckeld to my self and ran out of the class my tears burning as I tried everythin I could to block out all the sour memories. I could just feel my scars being ripped open again and I felt alone and lost. Thats when Gerard came in franticly searching with those big, gorgeous concerned eyes-ha concerned about me. He came and sat next to me and starting playing with my hair as I wiped away the tears.

"Fuck Frank, I never meant to make you cry."

He pulled away from my hair and I frowned. But then he grapped my hand and I never wanted to let go,

"It's not your fault."

I whispered, practicly glowing. I realised that I needed someone like Gerard someone who I could just be myself around, someone who I could talk to and who would actually listen. I didn't have to tell him, but I wanted to. Those gorgeous eyes were searching helplesly for an answer and I wanted to be the one who gave him one. He wanted to know why I got so upset when he called me Frankie, this was going to be hard.

"Well my ex-Bert-he used to call me Frankie...and when you said that...it was just a reminder of him."

I new that there was more tears running down my face but I didn't even try and wipe them away.

"Oh so I guess....you really miss him then."

He replied with comforting eyes. I let out a huge laugh and he looked really confused.

"Bert was a real asshole so no, I do not miss him at all."

Gerard's mouth crinkled into a smile and made me melt inside.

"Well...why are you crying, then?"

I sucked a breath in as I was about to tell a complete stranger, a gorgeous stranger, my deepest darkest secret.

"Well he hurt me real bad Gerard, I hate him with all my heart, he said he loved me and never for one second was that true."

My eyes were completly glued to the floor as I was to embarrased to look at him.

"EWWW! I hate cheats they are just....... EWWW! They make me so fucking angry."

At this point he stroked my cheek softly until I was looking at him again.

"No Gerard."

I whispered so very quietly but he carried on.

"They make me sick, betraying trust."


I screamed, startling him.

"Sorry, he didn't cheat on me..."


"No Gerard YOU said, I said he hurt me.......I meant physically."

I got up and left the bathroom ,not leaving him time to react.


omg, more please lol c:
GrymmCreeper GrymmCreeper
@headfirstforMCRxXx will there be more soon? Is stopped at the good part!! D':

Why thank you
Soooo cuuute!
Destroys!!! Destroys!!!
Eeek!!! Thanks :D xxx