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A Collection Of One-Shots CLOSED

The Drug In Me Is You (2/5)

My eyes began to well up with tears and I bit down on my lip in an effort to keep my composure. What if it was one of my brothers that took the coke? That horrifying thought kept creeping into my head. I would die before I let one of them get mixed up with drugs. They all seemed okay though.. I couldn't recall a moment where one of them appeared to be high. I was with them all weekend too. And I just couldn't imagine why they would do it, I was the only person who managed the coke. All of them knew if some went missing I would be the first to notice. So why steal it? It just didn't add up.

"What are we going to do?" Scott asked.
"We're not going to do anything. You're going to forget we had this conversation and sit with your other friends today. This is none of your business." I replied.

"It is my business Olivia! You're my business." He frowned.
"No. I'm not your fucking business. It's high time you start staying out of it." Yes, I was being cruel. But I had to, to protect him. He had no place getting mixed up with our lives, I should have never gotten him involved in the first place. There was no room for another person in my life.

"What does that even mean?! I'm your boyfriend." Wow he was being persistent. How could he still remain nice with me after how I've been treating him?

"Not anymore. Let's give it a rest Scott. This was a mistake." My eyes averted, not wanting to meet his.
"You're a fucking bitch." He growled, now storming off. For a second I could've sworn I saw his eyes water up. God, he was right. I was a bitch.

I trembled a little, frozen in place, not wanting to take my next step. Sure I wasn't in love with Scott but breaking up with someone was never easy. I felt so guilty, I never intended to make him cry. Scott had his faults, but he'd always been sweet to me. He didn't deserve any of that. Even when he snapped on me I couldn't find it in my heart to blame him. I closed my eyes, I had to put these feelings aside for the moment. There was something much more important I had to attend to.

I made my way into the lunchroom, my eyes darting to the table we all sat at. Gerard, Frank, Ray and Mikey were all conversing happily. I tried to shake the dread that was creeping over me, and walked over to the table to sit down.

"What was that about?" Frank stuck his tongue out teasingly.
"Uh, Nothing." I brushed it off.
"Did you guys fight?" Ray asked curiously.
"Yeah." I responded.

"What about?" Gerard's eyes darted up to me. His gaze was startling, it's as though he saw right through me.

"It's not important. There's actually something we all have to talk about. Now."
Gerard grimaced at me for changing the subject. Everyone went quiet, giving me their full attention.

"There's a gram of coke missing. I need to know who took it." I said quietly.
"What?!" Mikey's jaw dropped. I heard a round of sighs across the table.
"You think one of us took it?" Ray said seriously.

"I don't know." I sighed heavily. I could feel a wave of emotions coming over me, beckoning me to break down.
"Are you sure you didn't just misplace it?" Frank snorted.
"I'm positive." I growled.

"Hey, knock it off guys. We need to stick together on this one." Gerard reminded.
"When did you realize it was missing?" He asked calmly.
"Last night. I checked on Friday so it had to have happened this weekend." I replied.
"But, the only people who were in the house besides us were Erin and Scott." Mikey frowned.
A realization came over me, if Scott didn't take it then..?

"Scott. I told you he was no good." Gerard said almost simultaneously.
"He didn't take it. I made sure." I said quietly, glaring daggers back at him.
"How could you be so sure?" He spat.

"It's called trust Gerard! Something you clearly still don't have for me. Does he really look like he got high yesterday?!"
"How do you know he didn't just snort a line and is saving the rest for later?!" He now stood up angrily.

"Because we BOTH know that's not how coke works! When you go, you go all the way." I could feel a tear streaming down my face, I hated arguing with him.
"Then how do you know he didn't just steal it to sell!" He barked.
"Really? Really Gerard? Do you know how rich his family is? That gram was worth 50 bucks, he SHITS 50 bucks!" I screamed, now standing up too.
"So what are you saying? ERIN stole it?!" He shot back.
"Hey guys quiet dow-" Frank tried to intervene.

"That's EXACTLY what I'm saying!" I growled, my eyebrows furrowing together in anger.
"FUCK you." He spat.
"HEY! Quit it." Ray now intervened putting a restrictive hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah. FUCK me. You can sit there and pretend that your little slut with fake tits and a bad dye job is just playing hooky, but we all know the truth. She's sitting in her room, rolling around in her own shit-" My words were cut off by Gerard's hand meeting my cheek. The noise of the slap resounded throughout the cafeteria.

"What the fuck Gerard!" Frank shot up pushing him back aggressively.
I stood there stunned for a minute.
"Nice." I mumbled, before turning away and running out of the cafeteria, tears running down my face.
I was so done with all of this. Fuck him, fuck her, fuck everything. I'd managed to run quite far before a hand latched onto my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.
I spun around to see a highly unexpected face.

"What?! Come to kick the dog while she's already down?" I hissed, tears flowing non-stop.
"No." He said stepping forward and cupping the side of my face tenderly.
"Scott. Please don't do this. Please don't play the good guy, please don't be nice to me. I don't deserve it." I cried, searching his eyes for some form of resentment.

He looked back at me sympathetically, "Let's go." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the school. I didn't resist, I willingly got into his car and didn't look back. As the car took off I could see Gerard and the others running up to the parking lot. We locked eyes for minute, mine struck with tears and his filled with shock and apologies. In the split second we were looking at each other he shook his head, pleading me not to leave. Before I turned my head away from them I could've sworn I saw a tear escape one of his eyes.

"Don't look back." Scott said as he pushed on the gas pedal harder. I nodded, wiping my eyes with my sleeves. When he finally got on the road he threw a pack of tissues on my lap. I mumbled a 'thanks' and briefly blew my nose.

"Did the whole cafeteria see?" I asked quietly.
"Just me. I'd been watching you in case you didn't notice." He admitted laughing. I smiled a little in response.
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
"Positive. Some people were being nosy when you guys got loud but they lost interest quickly." He smiled reassuringly. I nodded, sighing in relief.

"I won't ask what happened, but, is that normal… does gerard er…?" He trailed off, carefully choosing his words. I thought for a moment then realized he'd been referring to the slap I received.
"Oh heavens no! That was the first time." I smiled sadly. I was actually glad Scott was here, he really was looking out for me.

When we pulled up to his house he rushed out to open the door for me.
"Scott you don't have to-" I began.
"Shh. Allow me." He smiled. When we got inside he threw his keys on the table and helped me take my coat off.

"Go pick a movie." He ordered pointing to his living room before walking into another room. I hesitantly walked over, sitting on his couch. I didn't do well in other people's houses. I always felt super awkward and as if I were intruding. I scanned his DVD rack from where I was sitting, a horror flick I used to love catching my eye. I walked over to the rack and removed the DVD case, being careful not to knock anything over. At this point he walked back into the living room with a huge tub of ice cream and two spoons.

I looked over to him and grinned, "Oh you sneaky devil."
"I'm going to order some take out in a bit. Pizza or Chinese?" He grinned back.
"Pizza." I smiled. He set the ice cream on the coffee table and pulled out some blankets and pillows from a basket next to his sofa. When I got situated and comfortable he popped in the movie and turned the lights off. We curled up and ate the ice cream for the first 30 minutes of the movie. When we got too cold he got up and put it back in the freezer, bringing popcorn instead. At some point I remember falling asleep and being stirred awake when a cellphone rang. I looked up to see a groggy-eyed Scott reaching for his phone. I felt a sense of relief knowing I wasn't the only one who fell asleep.

"Er. It's Ray. Should I answer it?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
"No. Leave it." I said. He closed his phone and put it on silent.
"Welp. Now that we're awake, do you want to watch another movie? Or..maybe talk?" He said rubbing my back.

"I'm not really good at the whole comfort thing." He laughed, scratching his head now.
"Oh trust me. You've done a fantastic job." I said pulling him into a hug.
"I'm glad." He smiled.
"You don't mind if I rant to you?" I sighed.

"Cross my heart hope to die." He beamed. I hesitated for a moment then proceeded to tell him everything that was on my mind. Even the bits about my feelings for Gerard. He was a little shocked at first, but he gradually warmed up to it. I even told him about the dream I had where he shot me in the head. He said it was probably just my underlying guilt about not loving him back, and I agreed wholeheartedly. At the end of my rant he pulled me back into a strong hug which evidently made me burst into tears.

"Thanks for confiding in me hun." He said.
"No, thank YOU. I was such a bitch to you. I don't deserve any of this." I sobbed into his chest.
"I was mad at you, but when I saw what happened at lunch I just couldn't not be there for you. I really do care about you Livy. More than you know." This caused me to sob harder.
"I care about you too Scott." I meant it, If I didn't care we would have broken up after the first coke incident.

"When you guys were arguing, you were defending me, even after I called you a bitch and stormed off. When I heard your words everything just became clearer. And even after all I did, you believed me when I said I didn't take the coke. That mean't a lot. You told them you trusted me. And I honestly never thought you did, I'm sorry you got into a fight with Gerard because of me." he frowned sadly.

"No! It's not your fault. I'd do it all over again. Gerard was in denial, and I was sort of irritated with him anyway. My irritation pushed the fight to the point it got to." I reassured him and kissed his forehead. I really was grateful for today, and grateful he'd stuck by me.
"He still should have never touched you." Scott grimaced.

"I know.." I sighed, sadness washing over me as I remembered the incident. A smirk appeared on Scott's face and he reached forward to tickle me.
"Let's not worry about that right now. Turn that frown upside down." He said.
"STOPPPP." I demanded before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"That's the first time i've ever heard you laugh! You should do it more. It suits you." He smiled warmly. I regained my posture and cleared my throat, "Oh shush up."
"Seriously!" He laughed.

"Thanks Scott." I said reaching for his hand. He grasped mine tightly.
"I can't be your boyfriend Olivia. I know that. But I can try to be your everything else, like a best friend." He smiled warmly again. I pulled him into another strong hug and he pat my back. We broke at the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"That must be the pizza. I'll get it." I smiled, jumping off the couch.
"There's money by the coat hanger! I'll put another movie in!" He called back.
I opened the door eagerly only to find the pizza man wasn't really the pizza man but Gerard. I slammed the door in his face.

"Olivia open this door!" He yelled from outside.
"Fuck You!" I yelled back before running into the living room.
"Who was that?" Scott raised an eyebrow.
"Gerard." I grimaced, plopping myself on the couch.
"Olivia." Scott gave me a knowing look.
"What?" I cursed under my breath.

"You know what. Go let him in, it's cold." He said sternly.
"I don't want to Scott. I don't want to talk to him." My eyes grew sad.
"I know, Liv. But you need to get it over and done with. I'm sure everyone is worried sick about you." He pleaded.

A few tears spilled over, I'd always been the strong one for the family. They weren't allowed to worry for me, I wouldn't let them. It killed me to think my own stubbornness could be causing them trouble, as angry as I was. I still had responsibilities around the house, I had to cook dinner, I had to help Ray with the laundry, I had bills to pay. I can't just escape from that. I didn't have to make up with Gerard but I at least had to go home, it was so late already and I couldn't stay at Scott's. It just wasn't an option. It fucked up our whole schedule.
"I've gotta go home Scott." I frowned.

He thought for a moment. "Alright." He sighed. "Let me walk you to the door."
He helped me gather my things and walked me outside. Gerard had been leaning against his car, his head and shoulders slumped. When we came outside he peaked up through his long black bangs with hope in his eyes. I turned to Scott once more, "Thanks for everything today. Sorry I can't stay to eat pizza with you, I wish you hadn't ordered so much." I frowned. He gave me a cheeky grin, "Hey don't worry about it. Just means I'll have left overs for the week." He rubbed my shoulders and mouthed "Go" before turning around and walking back inside.

My face went from friendly to serious and I walked directly past Gerard. He didn't try to say anything or make a move towards me and simply got into the driver's seat. I sat down in the back, not wanting to sit up front with him. As soon as I slammed the car door shut he looked at me directly. "Don't be a brat Olivia. Get up here." He refused to start the car until I responded.
"Oh, so now I'm a brat?" I laughed in disbelief.

"No- shit. I'm sorry I didn't mean that okay? Just get up here so we can talk properly." He sighed.
"There's nothing to talk about. Drive." I said. He looked at me for a moment then got out of the car. Before I knew it the opposite door to me was opening and he was propping himself down right next to me.
"Gerard what are you doing?" I looked at him irritably.
"Talking." He looked into my eyes.
"I don't want to talk." I looked away from him and fastened my seatbelt.
"Drive me home now or I WILL walk myself home." I said seriously, in response he grabbed my wrist to prevent me from leaving. His other hand reached up to my face and pulled me to look at him.

"I'm so fucking sorry Liv."
"Like hell you are." I growled.
"I am. I should have never laid a finger on you let alone even raised my voice at you. You didn't deserve any of that. It was despicable of me." He pleaded. I thought for a moment, thinking to what was truly making me angry.

"What the fuck is so special about her? That you would even go so far as to turn against me!" I yelled, tears threatening to spill over.
"I'm sorry Livy, I really am. I don't blame you for suspecting her okay? But she's my girlfriend, I got a little defensive!" He looked down in shame.
"And I guess… I don't know. I felt like you had more trust in Scott than you did in me." His eyes flashed with hurt.

"You sound like a hypocrite Gerard." I scoffed.
"I know.. I realize that now." He sighed sadly. That was really all I'd wanted to hear, that he knew he was a hypocrite.
"I'll try… to be more 'accepting' of your relationship with Scott. I know I can't always be the most important guy in your life." He laughed sadly.

Suddenly I remembered that despite how much I loved Gerard, we would never be together. Tears began streaming down my face and a whirlwind of pain came over me.
"Wh- What's wrong? Did I say something bad?" His face scrunched up in confusion.

"Scott would have never even been a factor if it weren't for you!" I blurted. His face dropped, he seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. And I didn't care.
"We're not together anymore Gerard. I ended it, I had to. I broke that poor boy's heart because no matter what I do I can't get rid of my feelings for you." My tears kept coming, creating a waterfall of my face.

I expected him to get into the driver's seat and drive me home without saying a single word but instead he reached forward and wiped the tears off my face.
"You silly girl." He muttered before reaching forward and gently pressing his lips against mine. My heart rate exceeded by a million and I froze in my seat. He begged for entrance by brushing his tongue against my bottom lip. Then my senses came back and I abruptly pushed him away.
"Don't do this to me, please. Don't give me hope." I cried.

"You stupid, stupid girl." He growled more aggressively this time. At this point he unbuckled my seat, grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, his other hand beckoning my chin forward. He kissed me roughly this time, forcing my mouth open and entangling his fingers in my hair and neck. My mind was swirling in lust and passion and I'd forgotten everything I just said. I gave in and kissed him back just as roughly.

A tiny moan escaped him when I bit his bottom lip and he pulled my body underneath him so I was laying on my back. I gasped when his hips came forward, causing him to grind against me. I'd never seen this side to Gerard, he was always kind and sweet. I never imagined him this aggressive, and sexy. I lifted my hips too, straddling him. He squeezed my butt and pulled me closer to him. He deepened the kiss and I moaned into his mouth as he continued to grind against me. The friction in our jeans was creating unbearable pleasure. I thought I could orgasm just like this. I could feel the hard bulge Gerard worked up and pressed myself against it even harder. He felt so good, hard against me. "Fuck. Liv I don't think I can take much more. We should stop here." He groaned against my lips as I reached down and massaged his bulge with my hand.

"Are you crazy? No you're not allowed to get me this worked up and just leave." I hushed him and removed my shirt. His hands made there way to my stomach, feeling all the little curves on me. One hand reached up and massaged my breasts. I pulled his shirt off for him almost simultaneously and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him more passionately. He pulled away for a second, kissing and sucking at my neck before bringing his lips to my ear. "You don't know how long I've waited for this. How long I dreamt about it." He whispered. I moaned in pleasure as he slipped a hand down my pants, pressing his finger against my sensitive parts. At that point I heard someone shuffling around outside the car. I froze and looked outside the window to see the pizza man pulling up to the driveway on a moped. I pushed gerard off me, and recovered my shirt as he did the same.

"Shit." We both breathed, looking into each other's eyes in bewilderment.


I'M BACK! Thanks for being so patient <3 I've been meaning to update this for a while but didn't have my documents to do so. I've got another story recently out called "Sinners Never Sleep" featuring Bring Me The Horizon please go check it out on my page : ) I could use some more readers. I've got another titled Helena which is unreleased, but I'll give you a hint and tell you its about a ballet company and Gerard is a sexy director ;D.


Pls finish "the drug in me is you!!!"

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

If that's fan art for the banner it's phanominal! :D

TheKeymaker TheKeymaker

Don't feel stupid love , It takes me a long time to pay attention to lyrics :D

darkcloudsform darkcloudsform

@darkcloudsform Oh okay that makes more sense... I feel really stupid now...

RedExorcism RedExorcism

In the song S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W theres a lyric that goes "Blow a kiss at the methane skies" :)

darkcloudsform darkcloudsform