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The Art of Memories

Coffee and Comics.

Gerard used to use Felix as an excuse to go out and do stuff Frank didn’t like. However Frank did find out about Gerard’s secret drinking as every time he went to take Felix out, he came back completely drunk, so Frank put a stop to that. And today was one of those days. Not to drink. Gerard was past those days; but to see a friend someone who Frank did not approve of.

Gerard had gotten to know Brandon in high school. Gerard was an outcast, whereas Brandon was the most popular guy in the year. All the girls battered their fucking eyelashes and drooled over his feet, he was sought after by both boys and girls. He always got his way with teachers and his grades were perfect. So why he and Gerard were friends, no-one knew. Another perfect thing about Brandon was his life at home. His parents were still together and he lived in a house which shone out against the grubby streets of Jersey. There was nothing Gerard craved more. He loved going round and pretending they were his family, just for that short time. But it was because of Brandon’s perfect life that he was so... idiotic. He would get Gerard to leave his house at pathetic hours in the early morning so they could try to jump bridges in a stolen car, or sneak into a liqueur store and see how much they could take and then see how much they could drink. Gerard didn’t like some of the things Brandon made him do. Well, he didn’t like most of them, but he went along with it because Brandon was the only proper friend he had.

Brandon and Gerard had stayed friends ever since. Gerard had moved away from Jersey and eventually so did Brandon. They grew to become even more different, Brandon taking up sport as a career and Gerard doing his comics. They still kept in touch and spoke regularly, but not often. So Gerard decided to use this crap Tuesday afternoon as a catch-up time. He had spoken to Brandon over the phone and they were meeting halfway between them both. He had told Frank that he was taking Felix on a proper walk and would be back late and would it be ok if he took the car. And yes it was ok and he would see them both later. Gerard wished he could tell Frank where he was really going. But he couldn’t. Frank simply wouldn’t let him go.

Brandon and Gerard were still thick when Gerard met Frank, and although at times Gerard would hang out with Frank’s mates, Brandon was still his main guy. Frank’s friends were all too similar, they all talked about the same things and they all were just very boring. Sometimes, if Gerard had spent too long around Frank and his friends, he would arrange a late night activity for him and Brandon. Frank didn’t mind at first. He just laughed at Gerard if he came in head-to-toe soaked in salt water or would quite happily sit and nudge Gerard through a lesson if he was ever constantly nodding off. But there came a time when Gerard would come in with cuts and scrapes all up his arms and legs or he would still be high, his pupils forever being huge. When they went off to university, Frank and Gerard became closer, but Brandon and Gerard still went out and did these stupid things, and Frank hated seeing Gerard hurt. The worse these deeds got, the more obvious Frank was about how much he disapproved of Brandon. Gerard would sneak out almost every night, even when he moved in with Frank. And that’s when Frank finally cracked. He lost it and took it all out on Gerard, telling him exactly how he felt and if it didn’t stop there and then, he would walk out and not ever come back. And so Gerard said he would never see Brandon again. And he didn’t. For a while. As soon as Frank was back to normal, Gerard spoke to Brandon again, telling him they’d have to plan these things more in advance. After a year and a half of this, they stopped sneaking around, they had grown out of it and although it was great at the time, they needed to get on with be mature.
And still to this very day, Frank thought that Gerard and Brandon were over. But how wrong he was.


Gerard had rolled down the window for Felix and he laughed as the mutt stuck his head out of the window, his tongue lolling out to one side. He had brought some CDs with him, and he was gleefully yelling along to AD/DC. He hadn’t seen Brandon for four months. And that was a long time for them. Gerard thought back to the last time they saw each other. Brandon had rested his hand on Gerard’s thigh for the journey home but never said anything about it. Gerard didn’t know what it meant and he couldn’t tell how drunk Brandon was. He hadn’t mentioned it since and so thought maybe he had forgotten.

Gerard turned into the diner they said they’d meet in. Gerard parked up, very badly, and slammed the door after climbing out, Felix jumping after him. He hoped they let dogs in. If not, well fuck them. He pushed open the door and looked around for the cropped brown hair. Which he could not see. He was hoping he would arrive before Brandon, mainly in case he could no longer recognise Brandon and he would completely miss him and walk past. He slid into a seat by the window, Felix scuttling under the table and curling up by his feet. Gerard looked down at him. Poor dog. Maybe Brandon would be up for a walk. Gerard ordered a black coffee and pulled out his sketch book. Brandon had requested that Gerard brought with him the new comic he was working on. He was just going through what he would say to Brandon about it, when a familiar figure sat on the seat opposite him.
“Hey,” Gerard grinned.


Sorry it's taken so long.


Just found this now, and read it all up to date. I love this, and I'm glad you've decided to continue writing it. X

I couldn't remember what was happening so I tried to speed read the beginning and still can't remember. :( BUT just picking up on th e last chapter is suspenseful so I hope you can update again! I hate "breaks" in relationships. );

ms.MCR ms.MCR
Dun dun duuuunnnnnnnnnnn!!?!?!!!!?!!!?!!!?!?!?!
EllsBells EllsBells
Hmm *gnaws at finger nails* i am getting worried here. Great chapter cant wait till you update again!
ms.MCR ms.MCR

ok i have put up the new one now, thankyou for telling me because, as you can tell, i won't have noticed