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Mark Addams

Chapter 2

Gerard’s P.O.V
After Mark left. I knew just who the boy was under the sack, I knew that body type anywhere it was Mikey I ran to him a took the sack off his head, holding him for a second and to see if he's breathing Thank god he is. I then pick he up carefully and walk over to the couch then I walk in to the kitchen to get something to clean all the blood and I also grab to phone handling it to Frankie.
Gerard: "Call the guys"
Frankie paced around the house I feel bad he's sick and now he has this to deal with this he walks over to me
Frank: "Rays on his way and he called Bob so they will be here in a bit"
Frankie just stands there I look at him and think to myself he's too good for me. About 5 minutes later after I cleaned Mikey’s face up Ray comes in and goes and checks on him I really need to check on Frankie he seems really shaken up. I hold him close to me and sit him down on one of our living room chairs
Gerard: "Are you okay?"
no answer. He looks over to Mikey. I grab his face and cup it in my hands.
Gerard: "Hey focus Frankie, let me clean you up"
I start cleaning his bleeding nose. There’s a lot of blood. He looks like he could pass out any minute. I finally got his nose to stop bleeding and kissed his cheek. I put my hand on his forehead to feel if he had a fever, he did.
Gerard: "Your hot Frankie, you should go lay down, we can handle this."
Frank: "No, I want to help"
Gerard: "You can help by lying down!"
I yelled but felt like a dick head after that he looked hurt but He then jumped off the chair and headed to the door with a
Frank: "well fuck you then, I don’t want to put up with this right now.”
Gerard: “Frankie, wait-“
I really did feel like a dick now, I watch him walk to the door but before he got to the door he stopped and then fell to the floor he was sicker than I had thought Ray and I ran to him as Bob came through the door I lifted him into my arms and rocked him calling his name
Gerard: "Frankie, Frankie, wake-up, please Frankie!"
He says nothing. He looked as if he was sleeping. It hurt me to see the two people I love the most in the world like this but mark my words Mark Addams will pay.
How did he find me, how did he find Mikey?
I stood up with an unconscious Frank in my arms and headed up stairs.
I lay my lovey teenaged boyfriend down on our bed kissed his cheek and headed down stairs to talk to Ray and Bob.
Ray: “Gerard what the Fuck happened, who did this to Mikey and what’s wrong with Frank?”
Gerard: “Mark Addams”
Bob: That dick from middle school?”
Gerard: “ yeah.”
Ray: “what did want? “
Gerard: “I don’t know, revenge maybe?”
Ray: “What did we ever do to him?”
Bob: “maybe we should take them to a hospital?”
Gerard: “No!”
Bob: “Why not Frank passed out and Mikey is really fucked up, they need a doctor.”
Gerard: “We can’t take him to any doctor around here. Mark is watching us now and I’d be damned if I ever let them get their hands on Mikey or Frankie again!”
Ray: “Wait. Why is Mark watching you now? You have got to be joking.”
Gerard: “no-”
Mikey: “no he’s not joking.”
I look over to the couch Mikey was on. He was trying to set up,
I ran to him and hugged him tight, not wanting to let go of him,
He stated to cough and panic at his loss of breath
Gerard: “Ray Get his Inhaler, Quick it’s in the kitchen next to the sink!”
Ray ran to the kitchen and came out and tossed it to me and I helped Mikey use it. He then calmed down.
Mikey: “Gee? Where are my glasses?”
Gerard: “One sec bro.”
I sat up and ran to my room and went to the dresser and got his spare glasses out and with one last look to Frankie I ran down the stairs handed the glasses to Mikey and he looked confused
Mikey: “you keep my spare Glasses here?”
I looked at my little brother and hugged him
Gerard: “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?” he still looked surprised
Mikey: “I don’t know I just thought…”
Gerard: “Aww, Mikes I have them because I care, you’re my little bro, and well I love you.”
We sat in an awkward silence for a good 2 minutes before I asked the Question that I didn’t know if I wanted the answer for.
Gerard: “Ok Mikes, what happened to you?”


Chapter 2! like i said.
the story was going to have only Franks Point Of View but then it would go, really no where so i thought. hey why not have Gerard P.O.V too so Ok Enjoy!!! ~Rae!



Well Thank you. I think the next chapter is going to be the last then I will post a sequel.

Killjoy96 Killjoy96

I DO appear to be, don't i?.. Judging only by number of comments!... Lol
Seriously though.. LOVE this story! Xx

I'm taking it your my biggest fan. Thats awesome. Thank you.

Killjoy96 Killjoy96

I read 100s of fics, and I keep forgetting loads of them.. like, an update message comes up, and I read the title and think- "I have NO idea what that is!!".... I DON'T have that problem with this one, cos I'm always waiting for more! :)
I'd LOVE a sequel to this.. Just remember to use a title as unique as this one! ;) xx


Sorry it took so long to update I am at my big sisters and I will be updating more, I'm hope you enjoy the next chapter which I will be putting up in a few mins.

Killjoy96 Killjoy96